Website Updates
Neocities compatibility!
Maintenence, cleanup, and more cool stuff!
As I outlined in my recent General Blog Post, I've been trying out Neocities as a website hosting platform! Well, I've decided to make the move more permanent now!
This update (all be it small) serves mostly to update the site to be fully compatible with
neocities, as well as adding some buttons, stamps and blinkies! (as well as a visitor counter!)
It isn't much, but I quite like how the site is shaping up to be! Still not quite there yet in
terms of what I have invisioned, and hey, it might get another overhaul or two, who knows.
But for now, I'm happy with how it is :D
Site Rework update!
Wow such site, much cool!
New Year, new design overhaul!
I can't really list a full on changelog here since I rewrote
the entire website from scratch, so have some
general highlights of the new site!
- Fancy new design, inspired by older websites out there!
- Much more extensive text, plus this new blog section! :D
- JavaScript functionality!
- Content Warning when entering the site!
- Fancy paw background!
- 110% gay-er than before!
Overal, I'd say I'm pretty happy with how the place looks now! I'll, of course, continue to add onto and tweak stuff as time goes on, so stay tuned!