

Welcome to a showcase of various projects that I made or worked on!

VRChat Worlds

Wii Sports Resort

A full port of Wuhu Island from Wii Sports Resort!
This game was always one of my favorite games as a child, especially the Island Flyover mode!
And while flying around was always fun, I know myself and a lot of other people wished for there to be a way to explore the Island like an open-world.
Sadly tho, there was, at the time, no "proper" port of the Island to VRChat, or to any unity-based game to my knowledge. So, I decided to change that!
The entire Island, including Audio, Props, Trees, the 3 times of day, the bowling alley as well as some functionality (like the plane and basketball) and so much more are present here!

Cozy Quarters

My second attempt at making a VRChat world! While I unlisted my first world due to... well... massive filesize, poor optimization and bad quality, I decided to try again at making a world, this time, completely from scratch! Everything seen in this world was modeled and textured from scratch by hand!
It features the standard chill-world things like a Video Player, Pens, Billiards, Chess as well as plenty of mirrors and, of course, cozy vibes!


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