Welcome to eevibow.com
Hey there you, on the other side of the screen! Welcome to my little corner of the internet! Here you can find various contact information, as well as read up on various projects of mine!
I occasionally update this site, or post updates here and there, so be sure to check back every now and
Some buttons to get you to the interesting parts!
About Me

Hi! I'm EEVIBOW! I am a transfem (She/Her) gay ass fluffbag on the internet! I create random stuff in Blender, Unity etc or occasionally code as well!
Some of my work include, well, this Website, as well as some VRChat Worlds like 'Wii Sports Resort'! I almost always have some other unanounced project in the pipeline that I'm currently working on!
My interests are generally anything related to computers, the internet and technology as a whole! Usually I'll create stuff for VRChat, since I can more easily share my creations with other people on that platform.